
CHIAMA+39 347 0675286
V.le G Berto snc89866 Ricadi
CHIAMA+39 347 0675286
V.le G Berto snc89866 Ricadi

Environmental Geology

Environmental Geology

Environmental geology consists in the application of geological information to the knowledge and solution of environmental problems resulting from human impact on the environment (such as pollution and various hydrogeological upheavals) and the environment to humans. The study of these interactions and the associated risks is fundamental to the planning and implementation of environmental work and its impact on the environment as well as the possible environmental reactions to such requests.

The study therefore provides the abilities required to comply with the provisions of Legislative Decree D.L. 152/06 on the recovery of polluted land and the quality of soil and water, providing technical support for all the activities foreseen in the decree, in particular:

• Differentiation and characterization of contaminated sites (Legislative Decree D.L. 152/2006)

• Analysis of the pollution risk

• Studies and advice on methods of environmental protection (water resources, land)

• Characterization plans for contaminated sites

• Specific site risk analysis

• Design of remedial measures

• Exploration and discovery of quarries for building materials

• Exploration and location of landfills for municipal and industrial waste and sewage sludge

• Studies to delineate the protected areas of wells and springs.

• Consultation and analysis for the management of waste and excavation of soil and rocks

• Environmental Impact Assessments and Assessments (V.I.A.)

• Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (V.A.S.)

• Management of integrated environmental approval procedures (A.I.A.)

• Design and management of household waste and hazardous waste